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U.S. Olympians & Paralympians Association

Team USA huddles at center court after defeating Spain to win the gold medal at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing
(Photo by Jed Jacobs /Getty Images)
  • USOPA Resources and Benefits

    Representing your nation at the Olympic and Paralympic Games is one of the highest honors in sport. The U.S. Olympians and Paralympians Association Membership Program entitles the bearer to the rights and benefits developed by the USOPC in conjunction with USOPA. It is a fitting way to recognize both the past contributions of U.S. Olympians and Paralympians and the important role they continue to play in fostering the Olympic and Paralympic dreams of future generations of Team USA athletes.

    Members are granted an official membership ID bearing the athlete’s name, sport and years of service; a complimentary subscription to The Olympian & Paralympian – the official newsletter of USOPA; and regular mailings announcing events and exclusive sponsor discounts.

  • Medal Replacements

    USOPA provides medal replacement services that are processed through requests to the International Olympic Committee. Claims can also be made to replace other commemorative items such as, rings and IOC participation pins. If you would like to file a request, call the Olympian & Paralympian Hotline: 800-717-7555 or contact Christine Taylor: christine.taylor@usopc.org.

  • Newsletters

    USOPA newsletters are normally published on a quarterly basis and an archive of past newletters can be found here:

  • Final Farewell Bereavement Program

    USOPA responds immediately upon hearing the news that a U.S. Olympian or Paralympian has passed away. Each family receives an Olympic or Paralympic flag and a letter of condolence signed by the USOPA president on behalf of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic family.

  • U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Museum

    All U.S. Olympians and Paralympians have lifetime complimentary access to the Museum and will receive all the benefits of being a member, including:

    • Year-round unlimited individual admission
    • Discounts at The Museum Shop
    • Exclusive, members-only hours and expedited entry
    • Discounted tickets for your family and guests ($17.95-adults, $12.95-ages 3-12)

    To plan your visit, please reach out to athletes@usopm.org. They will help you arrange your ticket reservation and will give you instructions on parking. You can also call 719-497-1234, ext. 12334. The ideal advance notice is 7-10 days; however, any advance notice is appreciated to plan for a great experience.