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Alpine Alternatives Logo

Alpine Alternatives, Inc.

There's a place where friendships grow, where smiles abound and being yourself means something. There's no judging—only support—this place is Alpine Alternatives. For over 30 years Alpine Alternatives has provided outdoor recreation activities to children and adults experiencing disabilities. By donating what you can, time or money, you can help change lives. Alpine Alternatives: giving disabilities a possibility through recreation.


Challenge Alaska Logo

Challenge Alaska

Improving the lives of people with disabilities and the whole community through therapeutic recreation, adaptive sports and education.

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Southeast Alaska Independent Living logo

Southeast Alaska Independent Living

Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect. Independent living is about having choices and about having the right to make those choices, to make one’s own mistakes, and to learn from them in the same way that people without disabilities can. People with disabilities must be empowered to take control over their own lives.
