Find A Club - Kentucky
Bowling Green Parks and Recreation | |
Frazier Rehabilitation Hospital The ultimate vision and goal of the Adapted Sports Program at Frazier Rehab Institute is to improve the quality of life of the individuals with disabilities and offer healthier lifestyle choices for these individuals and their families. Frazier Rehab Institute has created a greater awareness of, and generated education in, the prevention of health complications and illnesses such as: obesity, diabetes, stress and other health related concerns. These conditions are often associated with physical disabilities though the Adapted Sports Program. | |
Independence Place The mission of Independence Place is to empower individuals with disabilities of all ages by helping them over barriers to employment and everyday living. One way we accomplish this goal is to have the individuals we serve become healthier through adaptive recreation. | |
Kentucky Association of Blind Athletes (KABA) | |
Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation Adaptive and Inclusive Recreation Paralympic Sport Louisville is a program offered through Metro Parks and Recreation Adapted Leisure Activities. This department offers a variety of recreational and sports activities for persons with physical and/or intellectual disabilities, their friends and family. A variety of activities are offered including adapted sports and games, fitness and wellness, arts and crafts, health and nutrition, physical fitness and wellness. | |
National Wheelcats Inc. To educate, encourage, and inspire individuals with disabilities through actively participating in sports to become more independent and productive, as well as strengthen their physical abilities and emotional well being. |