Find A Club - Louisiana

Find A Club

Louisiana GUMBO Inc. logo

Louisiana GUMBO Inc.

The mission of Louisiana Games Uniting Mind and Body Inc. (G.U.M.B.O) is to provide youth and young adults who have a physical or visual disability the opportunity to participate in sports and fitness activities designed to improve self-esteem and promote healthy bodies and a healthy lifestyle.


Louisiana Handicapped Sportsmens Inc. logo

Louisiana Handicapped Sportsmens Inc.

LHS wants new members who are interested in hunting and can help host hunts for people with disabilities.

Samaritan Multi-Services Centered on Living (S.M.C.L.) Foundation & Associates, Inc. logo

Samaritan Multi-Services Centered on Living (S.M.C.L.) Foundation & Associates, Inc.

Through our strong faith and trust in God, we create a healthy atmosphere that sparks neighborhood improvement projects and promote economic development that includes, jobs, health, fitness, sports and recreation. Our focus is helping individuals with disabilities and those who are economically disadvantaged and in need of support. SMCL supports a division III wheelchair basketball team, under the direction of the Rollin Rinos Wheelchair Athletic Association. Wheelchair Sports (recreation, competive, games and tournaments): Basketball, Softball, Tennis, Boccia.

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