Safe Sport Audit Reports

Athlete Safety

The USOPC engaged Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, a full-service advisory firm that offers industry-specialized services in audit, to assist the USOPC in the completion of audits to assess compliance with safe sport policies and procedures at the USOPC and all of its National Governing Bodies and High Performance Management Organizations. The audit focused on compliance with the USOPC’s NGB Athlete Safety Policy. During the audit, many organizations were in the process of updating their athlete safety polices to identify those individuals who come within the jurisdiction of the newly formed U.S. Center for SafeSport and to comply with the updated NGB Athlete Safety Policy approved in June 2017. Following the initial audit, each organization, the USOPC included, was given 90 days to correct remaining deficiencies. Corrective actions are being monitored and reviewed, with any necessary follow-up reports published below.

Note: The SafeSport audits began in April 2017. At that time, American Canoe Association, USA Surfing and USA Climbing were not recognized as National Governing Bodies for the sports of canoe/kayak, surfing and sport climbing. Since that time, the USOPC elected to have Baker Tilly provide SafeSport audits for the American Canoe Association, USA Climbing, and USA Surfing. These audits were performed in 2018 and are listed above.