Tokyo 2020 Collegiate Resources:
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Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Collegiate Best Practices


Congratulations on qualifying for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020! We recognize each athlete has had a unique journey to getting to where you are today. The majority of Team USA athletes competing in Tokyo will have spent time developing personally and athletically in the collegiate system. The collegiate partnerships team is excited to support you with your storytelling efforts and look forward to cheering you on while representing our country this summer. For those who had a positive collegiate experience and would like to share how your time on campus helped you become the person you are today, please consider sharing your story through the below opportunities and reach out to the USOPC’s collegiate partnerships department ( with any questions.

Athlete Communications Best Practices#

  • College Corner

    Swing by the USOPC’s College Corner located in the lobby of the Team USA dorm in the athlete village and at the high performance center near the dining hall. While there, pose for a quick photo holding a sign that ties back to your college experience: “Gator in Tokyo,” “Gopher in Tokyo,” etc. Once you’ve taken your photo, upload it to the collegiate partnerships Tokyo 2020 Dropbox and the USOPC will send the image to your school, conference, conference network (if applicable) and the NCAA to celebrate your participation in Tokyo. Please also feel free to post it to social media, tagging your school program.

  • Snap Your Swag

    Bring a college t-shirt, swim cap, jersey, flag/pennant or other piece of memorabilia with you to Tokyo. Snap a photo with that item in your room, on the bus, around the village or at the college corner (located in the lobby of the Team USA dorm in the athlete village and at the high performance center near the dining hall) and post it on social media, tagging your college program. If you would like your photo to be distributed back to your school/conference/NCAA, please upload it to the collegiate partnerships Tokyo 2020 Dropbox.

  • Connect With Your School

    Use the database below so you can connect with your school in the following ways

    • Search and find the current points of contact within your school.
    • Work with your NGB press officer to connect with that individual, share photos or facilitate a Q/A.

    Contact if you need assistance finding your school’s athletic program social media handle.

  • Tokyo 2020 Collegiate Communicator Look Up

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