Lake Placid Sport Medicine

  • Lake Placid
  • Nutrition
  • Mental Health

The USOPC Sports Medicine Team at the Lake Placid Olympic and Paralympic Training Center is comprised of an interdisciplinary team including a physical therapist, chiropractor, athletic trainers, psychological services provider, mental performance provider, and a massage therapist. Additionally, our sports medicine team incorporates medical volunteers rotating through our training center on a 1-week or 2-week rotation. These volunteer medical providers deliver care in collaboration with our full-time USOPC sports medicine staff during times of high athlete demand or when our full-time staff are asked to support an NGB on the road at major competitions.

Our Lake Placid sports medicine team proudly collaborates with USOPC sports performance providers to ensure an athlete receives optimal medical, psychological and performance care with inclusion of technology and advanced medical therapies. The medical services go beyond USOPC sports medicine and include partners in Adirondack Health. Dr. Eugene Byrne and Dr. Tracey Viola, Lake Placid team physicians have supported Team USA and Lake Placid athletes with elite sports medicine care for decades.

The level of care offered to NGB athletes is dependent upon USOPC High Performance and NGB High Performance Directors approval/programming request, except for mental health services, as every Team USA athlete regardless of tier, ranking or status, is eligible for care and/or coordination of care, which may incur out-of-pocket expenses or potential reimbursement.

Services Available in Lake Placid#

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