Media Press Release

Media accreditation process opens for Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024



COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee is pleased to open requests for media accreditation to the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024. U.S. press organizations must apply for accreditation via the application form by Dec. 1, 2022, to be considered for the initial allocation. The application, as well as additional details, for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 can be found 


Please note that any requests submitted after Dec. 1, 2022 will not be eligible for first round allocation and will be added to a waitlist

The process is open to


Daily or weekly newspapers

National news or sports magazines

Web-based organizations with staff members providing original content

Photographic media organizations with established magazine, newspaper and web-based clientele

All requesting organizations must be based in the United States and meet the guideline standards included on the registration site. 

The USOPC receives a limited number of accreditations from the International Olympic Committee and International Paralympic Committee for allocation to U.S. media outlets. You will receive a confirmation email after submitting to keep for your records, and we expect to share allocation results early in 2023.

After the Press by Number process concludes, the Press by Name for Paris 2024 will open in the fall of 2023. For the full accreditation timeline, please visit the IOC and IPC accreditation overview pages: 

IOC Paris Accreditation


IPC Accreditation pages


The USOPC does not accredit rights-holding television/radio networks, non-rights-holding television/radio networks or wire services. Those requests must be directed to the 





Media wishing to attend the Games must have a valid passport through February 2025.

For additional questions, please email


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