Tactical well-being resources for coaches, based in science.
Welcome coaches! Thanks for being here.
Every coach deserves to feel energized and inspired throughout their career, and as we know, the demands of high performance sport can often exceed our capacity to do so. Below is a series of resources to help you take care in high demand, isolating, and constrained environments - Long-term. Here, well-being is tactical and adaptable and personal. Feel free to utilize this space in whatever way you want, but here is how it is designed to help you succeed:
Option 1: Assess your baseline.
Option 2: Choose a habit.
Months from now, what will you wish you made time for? This opens up to a catalog of options (Sleep, Stress, Breathwork, Nutrition, Movement, or Connection)... Take your time here! Experiment with different routines and rituals. Find a rhythm. Connect with experts. Notice what works (and when).
Option 3: Periodize what works.
What would help your energy this season? At the Games?
Example Daily Routine (writeable and printable).pdfCREATE YOUR OWN!
Blank Daily Routine (writeable and printable).pdfHUBERMAN LAB'S SUPER SCIENTIFIC VERSION:
Andrew Hubermans Daily Re-Up.pdfCoaches for Coaches#
Discounted rates/Cost sharing/No cost assets.
Audio + Video#
10 minute NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)
Reset your nervous system, opens in a new tabYoga nidra with Caley Alyssa.
Take a breather, opens in a new tabWith Johannes Egberts, founder of Breathless Expeditions
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Relax your muscles, opens in a new tabWith the Epworth Clinic, Australia.