High Performance Programs

  • Nutrition
  • Physiology
  • Psychological Services
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Technology

Coach stands next to an athlete that is training on a bike.
The United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee delivers focused, applied and performance-impacting sport science and technology to America’s top coaches and athletes. Comprised of experts in nutrition, medicine, physiology, strength and conditioning, psychology and performance technology, the USOPC team offers comprehensive world-class resources to further athlete development.

The USOPC’s sport performance division works with National Governing Bodies to develop high-performance plans for resource allocation and athlete selection. The team is also responsible for providing performance-impacting services, competitive analysis, and training and competition support for Olympic and Paralympic events.

High performance plans are considered the blueprints – or action plans – for achieving sustained competitive excellence and are used to ensure effective use of USOPC and NGB resources. NGBs that develop clearly detailed high-performance plans make a stronger case for USOPC programs, services and financial resources.

Sports are categorized into five segments based on similar traits. Athletes are thereby assigned to a dedicated team of USOPC high-performance experts that specialize in these areas. The unique, collaborative structure allows experts to share insights and knowledge across sports, making the USOPC more targeted and effective in developing game-changing programs that enhance athletes’ ability to reach their full potential and excel on the world stage.