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Athlete Rights & Responsibilities
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Opportunity To Participate
Safe Environment
Grievance & Dispute Resolution
Athlete Responsibilities
Athlete Rights and Responsibilities - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How have rights and responsibilities as a Team USA athlete been categorized and what does each category include?
Where can I go to find more information about my rights and responsibilities as a Team USA athlete?
I have concerns about my rights or am experiencing an issue. What can I do?
I would like to report a concern, what is the process for doing that? What are my reporting options?
How should I consider when to report a concern to my NGB vs. the USOPC?
What resources are available while I’m going through the reporting or the dispute resolution process?
Who will know if I report a concern?
What should I do if I encounter an unsafe environment?
What types of prohibited conduct can be reported and how are they defined?
What protections are there associated with filing a complaint or reporting an issue?
I have concerns that the selection procedures are not fair or have not been followed. What can I do?
Where do athletes have a voice in governance of the Movement?
Where can I find out more information about my athlete representatives? How can I contact them?
What is the difference between a USOPC AAC rep and an NGB AAC rep?
What Equity and Diversity resources does the USOPC provide?
Where can I find audit and resource allocation information about my NGB?
Who can I talk to if I have questions about an athlete agreement?
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