Sport Advancement
Strengthen the Movement
Every day, the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic movements get stronger, propelled by a culture that promotes athlete excellence, safety and fairness, operational acumen and diversity, equity and inclusion.
Fiercely dedicated to protecting athletes’ safety and rights, we spoke out when our athletes needed our support on topics including geopolitical tensions taking place worldwide. We also clearly and officially outlined athletes’ rights and responsibilities, as well as reinforced our commitment to their confidentiality, ensuring fairness and inclusivity of sport were upheld in all that we did.
At the Beijing Games, Team USA showed up and out, overcoming obstacles and delivering world-class performances, while exhibiting sportsmanship, spirit and heart. Working closely with over 50 National Governing Bodies and the athletes they prepare and represent, we are markedly well-positioned to support Team USA as they train, compete and live their dreams.